MBA is a filesharing application which makes sending and receiving files from clients easier. Also it acts as a cloud storage for client files. A pdf version of the usermanual is available here
1. How to login to the MBA application?
On purchasing our application, we will provide an user account for you.
- Go to the payrite site,
- Fill in the Email and password fields and
- Click on the login button.
This will take you to the Home page (for accountants). Now you can add your clients and create login accounts for clients to login.
Accountants have higher control and administrative rights over the application, where as clients have limited rights.
Clients can also login to the application by going to and using the Email and password provided by accountants.
2. How to add a new Business client?
- click add client button at the right top
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as business
- Fillin the client name, email address and other primary contact details.
- In the Business scan type select
- Ebox - all clients will be available in inbox
- Project - clients can submit files separately for each projects (e.g: building contractors can submit files for each of their construction sites separately as different projects)
- Calendar yearly - client files will be organised into folders based on document type and the year in which the document belong to
- Calendar monthly - Client files will be organised into folders based on document type and the year and month for which the document belongs to..
- Click save button
- Now fill in the secondary contact details.
- Access section has all the folders which can be accessed by the client.
- Select the folders (green) or disable certain folders (grey)
- Disabled folder will not be viewable for the clients.
- Click save button
- Now the new company client is added
2.1. Clients with multiple business
Add client’s first company
- Click on Add client button
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as business
- Fill in the client’s first company name in the company name, provide an email address. And fill in other necessary details.
- Click Save button to save the client details
Now add client’s second company but with the email address from the first company
- Click on Add client
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as business
- Fill in the client’s second company name in the company name field
- Now use the same email address provided in the first company
Now the client can be managed with a single account
3. How to add a new personal client?
- click add client button
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as personal
- Fill in the client's first name and last name, email, phone and other details.
- In the primary contact type select self
- Now fill in the details secondary contact details. Folder access
- Access section has all the folders which can be accessed by the client.
- Select the folders (green) or disable certain folders (grey)
- Disabled folder will not be viewable for the clients only.
- Click save button
- Now the new personal client is added
3.1. Personal client who do taxes for their family members
First create the Primary contact
- Click on Add client button
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as Personal
- In the primary contact type select self
- Fill in the client details and click save button
Now add the other family members as separate clients
- Click on Add client button
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as Personal
- Fill in the details of the family member
- In the primary contact type select other
- Select the name of the primary contact in the select contact dropdown
- Select the relation in the relation dropdown
Fill in the other details and click save button. Now the client can be managed with a single account
3.2. Personal clients who have a business
Lets first add client’s company details
- Click on Add client button
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as business
- Fill in the client’s first company name in the company name, provide an email address. And fill in other necessary details.
- Click Save button to save the client details
Now add client’s personal details, but with the email address from the company
- Again Click on Add client button
- A new pop-up window will appear
- choose type of the client as Personal
- Fill in the client details.
- In the primary contact type select self
- Now use the same email address provided in the first company
Now the client can be managed with a single account
4. How to edit Business client details?
- Click on the client name from the client list on the left side
- Click edit button in the bottom
- Now fill in the required changes such as Primary contact details, Business Scan Type, Folder access (* Email is mandatory)
- Click save button
- Now the new company client is added
5. How to edit personal client details?
- Click on the client name from the client list on the left side
- Click edit button in the bottom
- Now fill in the required changes such as client details, Primary contact and secondary contact, Folder access
- Click save button
- Now the new personal client is added
6. How to delete a client?
- Click on the client name from the client list on the left side
- Click delete button in the bottom
- Confirm the deletion
- The client is successfully deleted
7. how to add new staff
- Click manage staff button in the top
- click add staff button
- here you can enter staff profile details like email address, first name, last name, password and phone number
- Now you can give staff access to the clients
- Click on select all clients Button if you want the staff to manage all of you clients
- or otherwise you can choose make a tick mark on the checkbox for specific clients
- Also you can choose which client folders staff(as shown in the image below).
7A. how to edit staff details
- Click manage staff button in the top
- Click edit button on the name of the staff you wish to update details
- The staff profile details will appear
- Make the required changes like email address, first name, last name, password and phone number, clients and clients’ folders that can be accessed by the staff
- Click save button
7B. how to reset staff password
- Click manage staff button in the top
- Click edit button on the name of the staff you wish to update details
- The staff profile details will appear
- Click on the reset password button
- A password reset link will be sent to the user to change the password.
- The staff can click on the link and update his new password.
8. Search clients
- Select the Category
- Business
- Personal
- both
- Type the name of the client or business in the text box
- Now the client name will be listed
9. How to view and download documents sent by clients?
- Click on the client name in the left side client list
- And then click document manager button in the top
- now you can see Inbox where the files uploaded by the client
- Click the download button to view the files.
- You can also select the checkbox to download specific files
- If you have an onedrive account, the files will be automatically available in your onedrive account as well.
10. How to send documents to clients?
- Click on the client name in the left side client list
- And then click document manager button in the top
- Now you can see Inbox where the files uploaded by the client
- Click on the upload files button
- Select a folder for the file
- And also select the year for the document
- Drag and drop the file in the drag and drop file upload square otherwise you can click and choose file from traditional file browser
- Click the upload button
- Now you can verify the upload files in the specific folder and choosing the specific year in the document manager
11. How to reset a password for the client?
- Click on the client name from the client list on the left side
- The clients profile will appear
- Click Reset password button in the client details
- Fillin the new password
- Click save button
- Now the new password is updated for the client
12. Notifications
- Click on the notifications button
- It will display all the document received from clients
- Click on the notification to go to that client’s inbox
Business Scan Types
Ebox - all clients will be available in inbox
Project - clients can submit files separately for each projects (e.g: building contractors can submit files for each of their construction sites separately as different projects)
Calendar yearly - client files will be organised into folders based on document type and the year in which the document belong to
Calendar monthly - Client files will be organised into folders based on document type and the year and month for which the document belongs to..
Primary Contact Type:
Self- only for the client
Other - using this option the family members can be grouped for a client
Husband Wife Son Daughter Father Mother Father-in-Law Mother-in-Law Others
inbox- Has all the files uploaded by clients
Folders- has all the files sent to the clients
Inbox file status
Moved- Synched with onedrive
Pending- waiting for sync with onedrive
1. How To Send Files To Accountant in PC
- Login to mba website (
- Click document manager at the top. Now you can see Inbox where you will see the files sent to your accountant
- Click the upload files button
- Drag and drop the files inside the drag and drop square area
- If asked fill in the year, month, and document type
- Click upload button
2. How To Send Files To Accountant in PHONE
- Login to mba app (android or ios)
- Tap on scanner icon to open camera
- Capture the invoice or bills using the round capture button
- Select month, year, document type inside the camera screen bottom
- A message popup will appear to confirm if the documents can be uploaded
- Tap on yes button if you wish to upload the scanned document
- The file will be uploaded and can be verified in the inbox
3. View files received from accountant in PC
- Login to mba website (
- Now you can see Inbox where the files sent to accountant will be available
- Then you can select a folder and the year to check the document sent by accountant
4. View files received from accountant in Phone
- Login to mba website (
- A list of folders will be displayed in the application home screen. Tap on the folder you wish to view. This will display some folders by year. Open the folder to check documents sent by your accountant
- To view the files you sent to accountant, go back to application home screen, and tap on the Inbox icon. All the sent files to your accountant will be listed.