MBA Features
Top useful features that makes MBA unique for filesharing with your clients.
MBA overview
Add clients, Send files and receive files from clients, Manage staff
MBA grouping clients
Grouping client's multiple business, grouping personal clients with their family members, advantages of grouping.
MBA scan types
How different scan types works and helps in categorising documents?
Payrite Overview
How to add client, add employee and manage employee time sheet.
Payrite - employee time reporting
Setting up Pay frequencies and employee pay details.
Pay Frequencies
How to setup multiple pay frequencies for clients?
Payrite Employee Import
How to import client's employees, using import template?
Payrite phone app
Using Payrite phone app to record employee working hours
Filemanager initial setup
Setting up Inbox and client archives, add users, user types, creating archive folder structure.
Filemanager bulk folder create, rename or delete
Create, rename or delete folders in each clients archive folder.
Filemanager built-in pdf tools
Quick preview files, split, combine, delete pages of Client files
Filemanager sync
Set up client archive to sync with cloud services such as onedrive.
WIPfocus initial setup
Setting up clients, administrators, users, tasks and task duedates
WIPfocus: Manage clients
Setup client details, tasks and task duedates
WIPfocus: Manage tasks
Manage tasks from Task centre and plan tasks in duedate planner
WIPfocus missing info
Manage missing information and request missing documents by email all from one place
WIPfocus: Monitor task progress
Communication with users through mailog, tracking time taken and task completion status