My Business app

My Business app is an easy to use cloud-based data submission portal ready to manage your business file sharing needs. A phone app (android/ios) is available to make it easier for clients to share their files or uploads directly through a web application from PC/mac.


My Business App helps you manage your business and gives you access to your client information on the go.

Electronic file sharing

Accountants can setup their clients in My Biz App within minutes and have the security of encrypted storage.

Resetting a password is possible if client forgets their password. A quick Search to find clients by name, or by business type is available.

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Document manager

Inbox lets the accountant see clients uploaded files and quickly find previous years files in client folders. Before a client uploads a document, it can be auto organised based on whether it is an invoice, bank statement or bills for easy categorization.

Folders for different categories can be created. Clients can view their processed documents and reports in client folders. Push notifications in the client and accountant email notifies of file uploads.

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Staff management

Staff can be authorized to access clients and specific folders.

Staff can download client documents from the inbox, or send documents only to specific clients which is set by the supervisor

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Cloud sync and phone app for client

Quick Upload files using drag and drop or traditional browse file method. All clients have access to mobile app to do file uploads.

Automatic Sync between OneDrive and local drive, creates a local backup of the files. Clients get notified of the file uploads updates and staff get notified as well on new files uploaded by clients.

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How to use My Business App

Client Interaction

Allow client to work from home and eliminates travel to the accountant's office.

Clients and accountants get their documents quickly.

Better for environment because it has a smaller carbon foot print, also enhances client and accountant interaction

Document transfer

Transfer of electronic documents is made easy through My Business App.

  • Sync function makes it easy to access clients documents from local drive.
  • Phone app enables clients to scan and send their documents.
  • Notifications alert clients as well as office staff of new file arrival.

Practice Management Softwares

Provides the best value for your money and helps you to manage your practice.